Hacking Internet

ASP.ZIP L0pht Security Advisory, Application: Microsoft IIS 3.0 Severity: Users can read the server side script in .asp, .ht., .id, .PL files only
ATTACK_1.ZIP AttackThread.java This Java Applet is intended to spew forth huge non-functioning black windows and obliterate the screen in order to exclude the user from the console. It won't stop until you do something drastic.
BLAKMAIL.ZIP BlackMail v1.1
CONSUM_1.ZIP Consume.java This Java Applet is intended to bring your Java-aware browser to its knees by hogging both the CPU and memory.
CRONTAB.ZIP L0pht Security Advisory
DOMINO.ZIP L0pht security advisory
FAKEIP.ZIP The damaged cybernetic EyeDent spoofer will allow you to fake your user name on any ident request. Which means you can lie to ftp sessions, telnet sessions, irc sessions (which is a telnet session anways) from windows.s internet services pack
FIREWALL.ZIP Internet firewalls
FW_SAMP.ZIP Firewalls-Digest
FWPGV101.ZIP Ncsa firewall policy guide
HOSTIL_1.ZIP HostileThreads.java This Java Applet tries inundate the browser with lots of wasteful threads. If that completes or fails, it then executes as cleanup a more hostile action.
IPSPOOF.ZIP IP Spoofer C source
IRCHACK.ZIP Hacking IRC - The Definitive Guide
NNTPF.ZIP News forger in C
NSOBS.ZIP Network security observations
OCTOPUS.ZIP This little program opens as many sockets with a remote host as can be supported by both. It catches ^C and kill commands to shut down cleanly by closing all open connections before exiting. Often, a remote workstation can be brought to its knees by saturating its process table via multiple invocations of sendmail.
POP3HACK.ZIP Pop3 hack
RFC1858.ZIP Security considerations for ip fragment filtering
SILENT_1.ZIP SilentThreat.java This Java Applet is intended to spew forth huge non-functioning black windows and obliterate the screen in order to exclude the user from the console.
TRIPLE_1.ZIP TripleThreat.java This Java Applet is intended to spew forth huge non-functioning black windows and obliterate the screen in order to exclude the user from the console. It also features a terribly annoying sound that won't stop until you do something drastic.
WASTEF_1.ZIP Wasteful.java This Java Applet is intended to bring your Java-aware browser to its knees by hogging the CPU. Note that you can suspend its effects because it has a mouseDown() method.